Showing 97–112 of 265 results

A spider crawling on the ground next to a rock.

Crab Hermit Red Leg

A snail is swimming in the water.

Crab Blue Leg Hermit

A yellow background with the words pj 's tropical fish inc.

Wrasse Exquisite (Africa)

A hand holding an octopus with tentacles in it.

Starfish Serpent

A purple light is shining on some plants.

Shrimp Coral Banded “Boxer”

A spider is sitting on the ground in front of some rocks.

Shrimp Peppermint

A fish is swimming in the water.

Rainbowfish Boesemani

A yellow background with the words pj 's tropical fish inc.

Live Foods Ghost Shrimp

A person holding a small fish in their hand.

Cichlid African Victoria Ptyochromis sp. Hippo Point Salmon

A white plate topped with lots of brown food.

Pellet Staple 5.0 Sinking

A white plate topped with lots of brown food.

Pellet Staple 3.0 Sinking

A yellow background with the words pj 's tropical fish inc.

Ricordea Mushroom
