
Showing all 14 results

Tetra Black Neon

Tetra Black Neon

A yellow background with the words pj 's tropical fish inc.

Tetra Black Skirt

A yellow background with the words pj 's tropical fish inc.

Tetra Bloodfin

A yellow background with the words pj 's tropical fish inc.

Tetra Congo

A yellow background with the words pj 's tropical fish inc.

Tetra Glo-lite

A yellow background with the words pj 's tropical fish inc.

Tetra Head & Tail Lite

A yellow background with the words pj 's tropical fish inc.

Tetra Neon

A yellow background with the words pj 's tropical fish inc.

Tetra Neon Gold

A yellow background with the words pj 's tropical fish inc.

Tetra Pristella

A yellow background with the words pj 's tropical fish inc.

Tetra Pristella Gold

A yellow background with the words pj 's tropical fish inc.

Tetra Red and Blue Columbian

A yellow background with the words pj 's tropical fish inc.

Tetra Red Eye

A yellow background with the words pj 's tropical fish inc.

Tetra Serpae

A yellow background with the words pj 's tropical fish inc.

Tetra Von Rio Flame
