A close up of some green food on a plate

PJ's Line of Foods

Offering a wide selection of the highest quality using my knowledge and experience from the past 37 years in the Human Food Manufacturing Industry. All PJ'S ingredients, blends, and products can be fed to fresh and marine and are from sustainable sources and suppliers that meet PJS quality standards.

PJ's Premium Blends

Specialized and targeted for the animals and organisms. Think about it: all living things have rather specific diets, they are called called food niches, and it's how they have evolved to maximize that source to survive the past MILLION YEARS or MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PJ's ULT Flake

Ultra Low Temp processing in small, controlled batches using only high-quality ingredients preserves the valuable and necessary nutrients in a usable state to be metabolized. No added colors or preservatives; yes, this means a shorter shelf life; PJ'S runs fresh every month or sooner if needed. Ask yourself, "Would you eat something that has been around for a year?"
CHECK OUT OUR INGREDIENT DECK..... You will see we are serious about what we do!!!! 

PJ's Dry and Pellets

Pellet is an ideal main staple to feed, augmented with side dishes of frozen, rehydrated freeze-dried, or NT ready to serve or even our ULT Flake. Give them a full plate diet.

PJ's Frozen

Fresh Frozen top tier product in small quality - controlled batches to yield the Freshest, most consistent product we can; no added colors or preservatives are ever used.

PJ's Freeze Dried

The perfect solution for administration by soaking food to get enhancers, extra nutrients, and many medications absorbed into your feed. Make life easier by feeding prepared freeze-dried, the perfect live food replacement solution.

PJ's NT Ready to Serve

O.M.G..... What a concept........ absolute control.........ease, and convenience..............ready to serve right from the freezer, no solids chunks to break, so easy to add enhancers, extra nutrients, and many medications to get absorbed into your feeding routine.

PJ's DIY Raw Additives and Ingredients

PJ'S Pantry, yes, we offer all the specialty ingredients, always fresh and of the highest quality, that we use to make our Custom Premium Blends.

PJ's Live

PJ's Live is all cultured here in our own facility, so our customers can be assured of consistent quality.